Sustainability & Responsibility at Wintermar

Sustainability Policy

As a Company operating at the intersection of the maritime and energy industries, Wintermar believes that sustainable development is essential to preserve the scarce resources of this planet for future generations.

We strive to promote the same principles in our relationships with clients, suppliers and other business partners. Throughout all aspects of our vessel and shore operations, Wintermar is committed to conducting its business in a responsible and lawful manner with respect for the wider economic, social and environmental impacts of our activities.

The Sustainability Policy for Wintermar is anchored in the Company’s Mission to ensure long-term sustainability for all stakeholders. Our commitment is to drive continual improvement in Health & Safety, Environment, Human & Labor Rights, and Anti-Corruption. This policy aims to cover the most important priorities, in order to develop a mindset of Sustainable Development centred on the three pillars of People, Planet and Profits.


Caring for Quality, Safety and Non-Discrimination
  • Training to develop better quality Indonesian seafarers
  • Establishing a strong safety culture to achieve Zero Incident


Reduce Environmental Impacts
  • Reducing carbon footprint
  • Reducing waste
  • Efficient energy consumption
  • Promoting sustainable practices


Maximising Returns With Strong Business Ethics
  • Committing to maintain high standards of integrity
  • Improving profitability of Company for all stakeholders
  • Establishing strong anti-corruption culture

Contributing to the SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global call for action to protect the planet, ensure dignified lives for all people and achieve inclusive economic growth, peace and prosperity. Adopted by the United Nations on 25 September 2015, the 2030 agenda is structured into 17 Goals, including a total of 169 Achievements. We have identified 12 SDGs that are relevant to our business operations.


Wintermar's Commitment to Excellence in Environmental Management, Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future


Even though Wintermar does not have operations near or in a conservation area, the Company is aware that our operations in the oceans have an impact on biodiversity, which can disrupt species and can cause pollution both under the sea and in the air. The Company seeks to reduce damage to underwater ecosystems and preserve the rich biodiversity of marine life through the following actions:

  • Using TBT-Free Anti-fouling system paint, which is an organotin-free Tributyltin-free anti-fouling paint to control or prevent the attachment of unwanted organisms according to the provisions of the IMO International Convention
  • Using shore power connections at ports to reduce emissions produced by generators on board
  • Achieved the target of “zero oil spill” in 2020, 2021 and 2022
  • Wintermar's fleet is certified with IOPP (International Certificate of Prevention of Pollution by Oil), International Certificate of Prevention of Pollution by Air (IAPP), International Certificate of Prevention of Pollution by Pollution (ISPP) in accordance to MARPOL regulations
  • Each vessel in the  fleet has a Garbage Management Plan, Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan and Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan in accordance with MARPOL provisions for the prevention of pollution through proper management of waste, emissions and oil in the sea and air.
  • Conducting a SAY NO TO SINGLE USE PLASTIC campaign for on shore and on ships
  • Replacing the ballast system on Wintermar's fleet according to the Ballast Water Management Convention. All vessels have to avoid discharging ballast water to prevent the introduction of unwanted aquatic organisms.

Zero Oil Spill

Wintermar continues to achieve the target of ZERO SPILLS in the Company’s operational business.


Number of Oil
Spill Cases



    Number of Oil
    Spill Cases



      Number of Oil
      Spill Cases



        Number of Oil
        Spill Cases


          Managing Emissions Through Energy Efficiency

          Energy Use and Efficiency

          The Company uses energy from fuel and electricity in its operations, which impacts the environment through emissions. Through our Sustainability Policy and Strategy we are committed to reducing the impact of our ship operations and business activities on the environment through mitigation of natural resources depletion and pollution. The Company uses electrical energy by purchasing electricity for vessels at ports and increasing the use of B30 fuel oil.

          We also continue to strive to reduce air emissions through energy efficiency and various policies, initiatives and sustainable innovations that contribute to reducing GHG emissions. Some actions taken to reduce energy consumption are as follows: 

          1. Use of Biodiesel: The Company has been using Biodiesel since 2019 in all vessels operating in Indonesia. In 2022, the biodiesel used was B30 with 30% biofuel content, an increase from 2019 where the biofuel content was 20%.
          2. Shore Power Connection for Vessels at Berth: By arranging for vessels to be connected to electricity on shore, the Company reduced the consumption of diesel for Auxiliary engines in the production of electricity for vessels berthing, resulting in fuel savings of 100% of the fuel which would otherwise have been consumed to operate the auxiliary engines.

          Efforts to Reduce Emissions

          Wintermar seeks to reduce GHG emissions by maximising operational efficiency and using renewable energy and digitalisation, such as biofuels or biodiesel in form of support to the Government for the sustainable use of biofuels, using shore power connection, and digitalisation.

          Use of Biofuel

          By substituting biodiesel for high speed diesel, the Company was able to reduce emission CO2. In addition to biofuels, the Company also uses High speed diesel, and both of these fuels have a sulphur content below 0.50% m/m in compliance with the mandate from the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

          Digitalisation of Processes to Reduce Paper Usage

          As part of our commitment to reduce paper usage, in 2022 the Company increased its adoption of new digital applications to replace the previous approval process that was paper-intensive. The digitisation process in our business operations has succeeded in decreasing paper use significantly.

          Shore Power Connection at Ports to Reduce Fuel Usage for Ship Generators

          The use of Shore Power connection for vessels which were berthing was another action taken to reduce emissions. This resulted in savings of 100% in CO2 emissions which would otherwise have been generated if the vessels had used diesel to generate electricity on board. In reducing emissions at ports, we use electric shore connections at 6 ports across Indonesia.

          Control of Ozone Layer Depleting Emissions

          Wintermar uses refrigerant R-404 A, R410A with an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) index value = 0. In addition, our fleet also maintains a refill system containing ozone depleting substances from leaks by keeping regular records when refilling and carrying out equipment maintenance in the Ozone Depleting Substances Record Book in accordance with MARPOL Annex VI provisions.

          Waste Management

          The operation of vessels produces various types of waste from our head office as well as waste on board the fleet where crew members live and work. Wintermar only measures waste generated by the Company’s own operations and mitigates these negative impacts through responsible management of waste  in compliance with applicable regulations, such as ISO 14001:2015 Waste Environmental Management System and MARPOL Annex V.

          Waste is managed through the application of a waste management hierarchy of Prevention, Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, Treatment, and Disposal. The use of single-use plastic is being phased out through policies to  provide  reusable containers to replace single use plastic containers, and reducing plastic packaging and minimising waste by bulk buying.

          For waste management onboard, all vessels are required to separate waste according to waste categories and place it in the temporary waste disposal sites that have been provided onboard. On arrival at the shore, these wastes are then disposed of at a certified onshore facility by a certified third party. The generated waste is then recorded daily through a digital Garbage Record Book in the Company's system. The data is monitored and analysed to ensure responsible consumption.

          Meanwhile, waste management at the head office is carried out by separating waste according to the category and placing it in the bins provided. Afterwards, the segregated garbage to be recycled is handed over to a third party. Garbage that is not recycled is taken by the Local Government sanitation Department to be disposed of at the final disposal site. In addition, we also implement Life Cycle Management for used ink cartridge waste which is managed for recycling by returning it to the vendor.

          Environmental Certifications

          Wintermar has a rigorous environmental management system followed by with clear standards and procedures which has been certified with ISO 14001:2015. This ensures proper waste, emission sand oil management at sea, land and in the air. Each vessel in the fleet has systems in place for environmental management which have been certified with the relevant certificates in compliance with the MARPOL convention for the prevention of pollution from ships, as shown in the table below:

          • The International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPP)
          • International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP)
          • International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (ISPP)
          • International Ballast Water Management Certificate (IBWM)
          • International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substance in Bulk (IOPP NOx)
          • Anti-Fouling System Certificate
          • International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IECC)

          Corporate Social Responsibility

          The Company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy addresses Environmental Preservation & Social Awareness and aims to create a sense of responsibility towards the society and community, based on the foundation of integrity to build people who care for one another and the environment. The Company implements CSR programs including: 

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          Clean Up and Supporting the PAUD in Desa Cemara Jaya, Karawang

          The Company is dedicated to continuing our support for the PAUD (early childhood education centre) that we established in the fishing village of Desa Cemara Jaya, Karawang, which is located close to the operating area of our vessels. Our support includes hosting educational activities for children and providing books and equipment. Our program to clean up and support PAUD Cemara Jaya in Karawang has had a positive impact on the community as the PAUD is now accredited and is recognised as one of the better early childhood teaching centres in the area.


          We are dedicated to impacting staff and crew's children in the SahabatWINS community.

          • SahabatWINS Field Trip to Learning and Farm and EcoPark: Educational event where children engage in sustainability practices like planting and animal care.
          • SahabatWINS Career Talk - 'Dream with Passion': A virtual event for teenagers to explore various professions, providing insights from diverse professionals.
          • SahabatWINS College Financial Assistance Fund: Offers college tuition aid for employees' children with financial needs.
          • ETO Scholarships: Programs for electrical engineering graduates to become Electro Technical Officers, combining academic study and fleet internship.

          Indigenous People Community Around Our Area of Operation

          As the Company's offshore vessels operate in various remote areas, we are committed to supporting the local communities in these areas. To support the professional development of Indigenous crew from remote villages, we provide scholarships for them to be trained as Able Bodied Seamen (ABK) and secure job opportunities on board our fleet.

          Community Around Our Area of Operation

          In addition to our operations, we also strive to make a positive impact on our community surrounding our head office. Our employees continue to actively engage in services to our neighbours through various initiatives, such as: 

          • Blood Donation Drive: We collaborate with Palang Merah Indonesia (Indonesian Red Cross) for office-based blood donation campaigns.
          • Independence Day Donation to Local Community: Wintermar makes a donation of snacks and fruits packaged in several boxes. The management team personally delivers the donations to the local community.
          • Family Run 5.2km: Wintermar proudly sponsored the INSA Family Run, which unites 500 participants from the shipping industry, demonstrating our commitment to healthy living and community engagement.


          The Company has established Safety Management System (SMS) which is designed to manage safety risk in the workplace and applies to all personnel working within the Company and all vessels managed by the Company. The SMS complies with the regulatory requirements of ISM Code, ISPS Code, Integrated Management System for ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, OVID and OVMSA to demonstrate its commitment to occupational health and safety. The Company's target is for everyone to work safely and securely in accordance with the Company's tagline "You and I will Go Home Safely".

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          Wintermar Integrated Safety Program

          In achieving the highest safety performance, Wintermar implemented the WINS Integrated Safety Program.

          • Leadership Visits - Routine management visits on board as a commitment to improving safety performance, a channel to obtain feedback from the crew, and to promote safety behaviour.
          • Life Saving Rules - 12 safety rules to remind all employees of good safety practices and hazards in their daily activities.
          • Reflective Video - Themed videos with active participation and discussions with crew.
          • Safety Pyramid - An information board to measure safety performance carried out on board as well as incidents that have occurred on each vessel to increase safety awareness.
          • Learning Engagement Tools (LET) - Learning methods that use flipchart media involving two-way communication between trainers and trainees.
          • Care for People - Resilience/Mental Wellbeing. A program focusing on a different area that makes up our natural capacity to deal with life's challenges. This enhances our ability to manage everyday problems.

          Safety Pyramid

          An information board on ship safety performance to measure the level of safety related activity conducted onboard vessels, as well as incidents that have happened. This aims to improve the safety culture and awareness on each vessel.

          lost time injury (LtI)

          • Fatality (FAT) 
          • Permanent Total Disability (PTD)
          • Lost Workday Case (LWC)

          NON LTI 

          • Restricted Work Case (RWC)
          • Medical Treatment Case (MTC) 
          • First Aid Case (FAC) 


          • Personnel Transfer
          • Cargo Operations
          • Navigation
          • Maintenance
          • Equipment Failure
          • Security
          • Dynamic Positioning

          12 Life Saving Rules

          Wintermar applies 12 Life Saving Rules to increase the protection of all shore and ship employees from injury and death. 12 Life Saving Rules contain 12 safety rules to reduce risk of accidents concluded from analysis of common root causes of prior years of incidents.


          Wear your seatbelt


          Do not smoke outside designated area


          No alcohol or drugs while on board and ashore


          Do not use your phone while driving or working, and do not exceed speed limits


          Do not walk or stand under a suspended load


          Hand on rail


          Work with valid work permit when required


          Verify isolation before work begins, and use the specified life protecting equipments


          Obtain authorization before entering a confined space


          Stop the job if there is any unsafe condition


          Protect yourself against a fall when working at height


          Fuel Manipulation Warning notice

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          Labour, Occupational Health and Safety Practices

          The Company's Labour, Occupational Health and Safety programs aim to enhance employee and crew performance. Labor Practices include a performance appraisal system, career development, training, education, remuneration, employee welfare, and a complaint mechanism. Occupational Health features medical check-ups, facilities and subsidies for sports, and physical and mental health campaigns. To ensure a Safe Working Environment, the Company implements the WINS Integrated Safety Program and Work Control System, covering various safety measures like Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, Permit to Work, Toolbox Talk, Safety Observation Card, Incident Investigation, and Continuous Evaluation and Improvement.

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          Service Quality Responsibility

          Service Quality Responsibility has been carried out by the Company through compliance with the ISO 9001: 2008 standard for Quality Management System since 2011, followed by quality management Programs and initiatives. These include the compliance with ISM Code (International Safety Management Code), ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code), Vendor Evaluation procedures and regular Customer Satisfaction Surveys.

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          Sustainability Reports

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          Katadata Corporate Sustainability Awards

          Wintermar has received the Katadata Corporate Sustainability Awards 2023 at the Sustainability Action for The Future Economy (SAFE) Forum.

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          Asia Sustainability Reporting Awards

          Wintermar has received the Silver award for Asia's Best Sustainability Report (SME) at the Asia Sustainability Reporting Awards (ASRA) 2022.

          Global Reach, Ongoing Expansion

          Wintermar goes where our clients need us. With a strong presence in Southeast Asia and certain key markets, we have operating expertise across a wide geographical area.




          Operating Vessels

